Ways to Increase Sewing Operator Efficiency

 Ways to Increase Sewing Operator Efficiency



Apparel production is a labor-intensive business. Factories strive to reduce manufacturing costs by enhancing the productivity of sewing operators. The goal of enhancing operator efficiency is to lower the cost of labor per unit (Dubois, 2004).

v  Develop the sewing skills of the operator through on-the-job training. Train them in proper movement, material management, and work performance techniques (Dubois, 2004).

v  Provide incentives to operators depending on their performance to keep them motivated (efficiency level).

v  Assign operators to jobs in which they are knowledgeable. If they are given operations that require a low-skilled operator, they will work with less efficiency. If you don't have an alternative skilled operator for a position, teach your current operator first to improve his or her skill level (Harrison & Kessels, 2004).


v  Motion studies and motion analysis can be used to improve work processes where possible. Remove any unnecessary motion from your current working method (Van Tiem, 2003).

v  Don't forget to plan a decent workstation layout depending on the needs of the operation. Excess reach should be minimized. It's also crucial to have a nice presentation of your work (Van Tiem, 2003).

v  Operators should be given work on a regular basis. Give an operator another job while he or she is assigned a job with less work content and has idle time (Dubois, 2004).

v  Remove needless interruptions from supervisors, quality inspectors, and other items such as damaged components from the supply chain.

v  Set a realistic goal for the operators. Keep track of each operator's hourly output and pursue them if they fall short of their capacity or a set objective.

v  Don't put in a lot of overtime. Also, take a day off once a week.


You can boost your operator's stitching efficiency from the current level on certain projects by using and adopting the preceding methods. However, in order to see the improvement, you must compare the operator's previous and current efficiency (after applying the aforesaid mean/s).


Dubois, F., 2004. Competency-Based Human Resource Management. 1st Edition ed. New York: Davies - Black Publishing .

Harrison, R. & Kessels, J., 2004. Human Resource Development in a Knowledge Economy: An Organisational View.. New York: McMillan.

Van Tiem, M., 2003. Human Resource Management. Cape Town: Oxford University Press.



  1. Develop the sewing skills of the operator through on-the-job training. Train them in proper movement, material management, and work performance techniques 👍

  2. As explained in this article, employee efficiency can be increased by proper training and enhancing their skills. Also motivation and engagement levels will have an impact on the efficiency. HR plays an important role in improving efficiency of these employees. All the Best!

  3. In a garment manufacturing factory, the operator is the most important person. In garment manufacturing, it has been observed that less experienced sewing operators take longer yet produce lower outputs. Sewing operator training is, therefore, necessary to improve sewing operator efficiency.

  4. Appropriate topic.We can increase even through motivate operators by providing incentive based on their performance (efficiency level) & Assign operators to the tasks on what they are skilled


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