Challengers of Training and Development of Professionals


Challengers of Training and Development of Professionals



For most companies, the highest priority when it comes to allocating training resources is increasing the effectiveness of training programs. This is hardly surprising because both executives and learners benefit from training that’s optimized to save time and money while delivering all its learning promises (Erasmus, et al., 2006). Yet despite careful resource allocation, many companies still find their training to be ineffective or only partially effective in achieving its goals. This is usually because of a few common issues with training and development. These training challenges range from a time-poor and sometimes dispersed workforce to limiting costs while improving engagement, and catering for diverse learning preferences.  



Dealing with Change

Organizational transformation is difficult and more common than it has ever been. The main problem stated by Learning and Development (L&D) professionals is dealing with changes brought on by mergers, acquisitions, technology, budgets, and staffing (Homer, 2007).

Developing Leaders

Leadership development is a difficult task in many workplaces. To support their success, businesses must develop leaders at all levels, from the front lines to the CEO (Erasmus, et al., 2006).

Engaging Leaners

Professionals in learning and development must emphasize the importance of learning and development. Other important activities or objectives appear to win over far too often. Attendance, active participation, and follow-through are difficult to achieve (Oregon, 2004).

Delivering Consistent Training

When a company is multinational or geographically spread, offering continuous training becomes more difficult. Geographic limits, increasing prices, language obstacles, translation issues, and virtual training needs are some of the most prevalent training and development challenges (Homer, 2007).

Tracking Skills Application

Finding the "stickiness" or long-term viability of a training program is difficult at best. Professionals in learning and development must devise and implement a method to ensure that skills are learnt and applied in the actual world (Homer, 2007).

Improving Learning Effectiveness

It is critical to provide effective training to students. There are so many topics to cover, and many of them necessitate distinct delivery methods to ensure effective skill development. When organizing any training session, it's critical to ask the correct questions and establish the desired results (Erasmus, et al., 2006).



Many of the difficulties that learning and development teams face, such as providing compelling material, collaborative, flexible, and distraction-free learning environments that can be accessible at anytime, anywhere in the world, can be addressed using these technologies.



Erasmus, B. J., Loedolff, P. V., Mda, T. & Nel, P. S., 2006. Management Training and Development. Cape Town: Oxford University Press.

Homer, M., 2007. Industrial and Commercial training. In: Skills and competency management. s.l.:s.n., pp. 59-62.

Oregon, L., 2004. Staff Training and Development. 1st Edition ed. New Jersy: Pearson Publishers .




  1. Training and development is the one of the most important process of human resource management to develop and success the and development is a challenge for the organization. in your article you have explained well.good one roshan

  2. Whether your company is well-established or brand new, one thing you cannot afford to overlook is giving the greatest available training to your personnel. After all, it's the framework that will allow your company to develop and compete. Good Luck.

  3. In addition there will be challenged with continuing to scale employee development and training efforts to improve productivity.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. This is informative and timely topic as organizations are facing many challenges during this economic crisis in addition to the effects of the pandemic. Organization changes such as the implementation of work from home method has resulted in organizations having to change the methods in training new employees. This is especially true those training that require on the job training or live supervision. Great gob.


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